Nibbanam Paramam Sukham

Nibbanam Paramam Sukham

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tombo Para Village is situated in the district of Rangamati. It is in Chittagong, Bangladesh. A small village. About 80 houses are there. People are lively and friendly. People are called Marma. Historically written that, Marma are people from Arakanese District. So, people speak similar language to Arakan people of Myanmar (Burma). Marma people in this village are follower of Buddhism. 100% of people follow Buddhism and practice Buddhism as a religion. With the practise of Buddhism, people are happier though economically poor. People live more satisfactorily, lively and peacefully. The village is looked after by a village leader (Karabari). And ofcourse and a Buddhist temple which helps people live in accordance to Buddhist way of life. So, the picture you see is a small bridge to go to the road. It is the main road to enter the village and cross to the road for vehicles.

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